Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bronx Accident Lawyers

 A victim of an accident may be eligible to for a large cash settlement against the negligent party by filing a civil lawsuit.  These accidents may vary from a slip and fall in a grocery store to a pedestrian knock down.  To find out whether or not our firm can assist, give us a call at 800-893-9645.

Hit and Run Accident Victims May Be Eligible For Compensation
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Recently, a 27 year old man has been arrested for a hit and run car accident that killed a 25 year-old man in Suffolk County. The person responsible for the accident was arrested by the Vehicular Crime Unit of the Suffolk County Police and charged with fleeing the scene of an accident and failing to report a fatality. Police combed through registration records and, within a very short period, located the car’s owner and the car itself, which was recovered in an auto repair shop in Hempstead.

Alarming Large Numbers

It may be a surprise to learn that hit and run car accidents are more common than one might think. It is a sad fact that up to 18% of pedestrian accident fatalities across the United States involve a driver who left the scene of the accident without reporting its occurrence. New York state figures are no different to what is going on across the rest of the nation.

If you, or a member of your family, were injured in a hit and run car accident in Bronx, Brooklyn, Nassau or Suffolk Counties, you may be able to file a compensation claim against the person who caused your injuries. However, hit and run accidents can be complex situations. In order to ensure you get the justice you deserve, you should contact an aggressive and experienced car accident attorney.

Just as Defendant was caught and arrested for the hit and run car accident, it is possible for the family of the deceased 25 year old to consider filing a wrongful death claim for the loss of their family member. It is far easier to file for compensation if the hit and run driver has been located.
If the driver of the hit-and-run car accident is found, then damages can be sought for negligent actions. The amount may cover medical costs, loss of income and an amount of compensation for pain and suffering.

If you do not have ownership of a car and you were hit as a pedestrian, you might possibly be able to get an uninsured motorist claim through the use of a household member's insurance. There is also an organisation called the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC). This offers compensation for bodily injury to victims of uninsured motorists, which is equivalent to drivers who flee after a hit and run car accident.

Contact Our Car Accident Law Firm Today

There are various options open for compensation for hit and run car accident victims, whether it is for an injury or a fatality. If you have been injured in a hit and run car accident then you should contact our experienced car accident lawyer to arrange a free consultation. Our lawyers are available at 800-893-9645.

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